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Yesterday we kicked off the new year at roda computer GmbH. The event was led by our dual leadership team Laura Bertsch and Frank Scholz, who kicked…
Every year, the employer rating platform kununu recognises companies as top employers. The award is based on the independent and anonymous ratings of…
roda computer GmbH is proud of the strong, reliable partnership with Panasonic TOUGHBOOK. Together we create solutions for every customer requirement.
The DF8A is now officially announced as End of Life from July 2023 and can still be ordered until December 2023 at the latest.
Also starting this…
The Scherzheim-based company roda computer has concluded a framework agreement with the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use…
roda acquires English manufacturer Westek Technology for high-performance, customised and rugged computer platforms.
German specialist for rugged defence IT-equipment roda computer GmbH acquires the shares of WESTEK TECHNOLOGY Ltd (UK)
After many years in a strong…
roda has again been awarded the title of Mobile Gold Business Partner of Samsung for the year 2023.
The Scherzheim expert for extremely rugged IT, roda computer GmbH, again supported the youth departments of the Lichtenau clubs as well as the youth…